The font in xterm is too small or too big!

To change the font type and size in xterm, please refer to one of the following methods:

  • Using .Xdefaults resource file
    Create .Xdefaults file in user home directory and specify the resource as below.
    You can also select the font you want for your X server by running the xfontsel application instead of using the one specified below.

    e.g.)   XTerm*font:-misc-fixed-bold-r-normal--16-154-75-75-c-0-iso8859-1

  • Using -fn xterm option
    Run xterm with -fn option as below.

    e.g.)  xterm -fn fixed

  • Using the xterm menu
    Over the xterm window, press and hold the Control key while clicking the right mouse button. You can change the font size from the xterm menu.