There are several ways you can create a new tab. You can use any of the following methods:
- Click the [Tab] menu and select [New Tab]
- Double click on the tab bar in the background.
- Use the keyboard shortcut, Shift + Alt + N.
To close a Tab:
- Click the x button on the tab.
- When focus is on the tab, press Ctrl+Shift+F4.
To close a tab from Terminal:
- While connected to the remote host, enter 'exit'.
- In Xshell's local shell, type 'exit' again.
- Note
To close a tab from Terminal, you must not have selected the 'Revert to local shell when connection is closed' option in the [Options] dialog box. Also, if the 'Exit Xshell when the last tab is closed' option is not selected, you must select 'Exit' from the 'File' menu to exit Xshell.