Previewing Print Job

Previewing Print Job

Preview feature let you view the print job before sending it to the printer. It uses GhostScript and GhostPCL to render print jobs in PDF format. You must install GhostScript and GhostPCL to use this feature. These tools can be downloaded for free and installed selectively during Xlpd install. Also, you can install them manually after the installation. If you have already installed these programs for a different product, you can use the existing executables.

To Preview a Print Job

  1. Click [Options] in the [Tool] menu. Options dialog box is displayed.
  2. Click the [Preview] tab.
  3. For GhostScript path, enter the path for GhostScript executable file. Filename is gswin32.exe.
  4. For GhostPCL path, enter the path for GhostPCL executable file. Filename is pcl<Versionnumber>-win32.exe.
  5. Click OK to save the changes.

  1. In Xlpd, right click on a print job you want to preview and select "Preview this print job".

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