File Transfer Using X_Y_ZMODEM
File Transfer Using X_Y_ZMODEM
Files transferred via X/Y/ZMODEM are saved in a folder designated by a user. Users may designate different folders each time files are received. The method for file transfers using XMODEM and YMODEM is similar to ZMODEM. The commands you use to send and received files fore X,Y, and ZMODEM are sx, sb, sb for receiving and rx, rb, rz for sending respectively. The commands may differ between systems and it is recommend that users consult the remote OS's manual. Below is a description of the average ZMODEM fil transfer.
To Receive File with ZMODEM:
- Execute the following command in a remote host prompt:
$ sz file1 file2 …- Note
If [Activate ZMODEM automatically] is set in the Session Properties, the file receive process will be started automatically, andthe following process in No. 2 and 3can be omitted.
- Note
- Point to [Transfer] in the [File] menu.
- Select [Receive with ZMODEM].
- Note
If the sz command does not exist in a remote host, users must install it directly. In most cases, similar commands exist.
To Receive File with ZMODEM in Xshell Terminal:
- Select the name of a file to download in the Xshell terminal window. The [Smart Selection] button is displayed around the selected file name.
- Click the [Smart Selection] button.
- Select [Download with ZMODEM].
To Send File with ZMODEM:
- Execute the following command in remote prompt:
$ rz- Note
If [Activate ZMODEM automatically] is set in the Session Properties, the file sendprocess will be started automatically, and the following process in No. 2 and 3 can be omitted.
- Note
- Point to [Transfer] in the [File] menu.
- Select [Send with ZMODEM].
- Select a file to send from the Open File dialog box.
- To send a file as ASCII, select [Send File as ASCII].
- Click [Open].
To Send File with ZMODEM Using Drag & Drop:
- Select a file to upload from the Windows file explorer.
- Drag the file and drop it in Xshell terminal window. File transfer is carried out automatically.
To Change Default Folder to Save File:
- Open the Session Properties dialog box.
- Select [File Transfer] from [Category].
- Select [Use the following download path] from [Receive folder].
- Open the Browse For Folder dialog box by clicking […] button of the [Download Path] and select a folder where the received files are to be saved.
- Click [OK].
To View Files Received in the Default Path:
- Open the Session Properties dialog box.
- Select [File Transfer] from [Category].
- Click [Open] in the [Download Path] field.
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