X11 Forwarding
X11 Forwarding
X11 forwarding is a special TCP/IP port forwarding case. The X11 protocol is used by a PC X server software, such as Xmanager, and the connection is established to a user PC from a remote host. It is thus the reverse situation from other client programs, such as email or telnet. Using X11 forwarding, remote X11 application programs can be used in a user's PC via a secure encoding tunnel without complicated port forwarding settings. To use the X11 forwarding service, you should configure both Xshell and the SSH server.
To Activate X11 Forwarding in Xshell:
- Open the Sessions dialog box.
- Select a session for which to activate X11 forwarding.
- Click the standard [Properties] button.
- Select [Connection > SSH > Tunneling] from [Category].
- Select [Forward X11 Connections to].
- If Xmanager® is installed in the user's PC, select [Xmanager]. If another PC X server is used, select [X DISPLAY] and enter an appropriate DISPLAY.
- Click [OK].
- Note
In Xmanager, Xshell automatically finds the X DISPLAY option. In other PC X server programs, the option must be set manually. If PC X server uses TCP 6000 port, DISPLAY is set as 'localhost:0.0'.
To Activate X11 Forwarding in an OpenSSH Server:
- Open the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.
- Set X11Forwarding option value as follows: X11Forwarding yes
- Restart SSH server.
To Activate X11 Forwarding in an ssh.com Server:
- Open the /etc/ssh2/sshd2_config file.
- Set AllowX11Forwarding option value as follows: AllowX11Forwarding yes
- Restart SSH server.
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