Advanced _ Logging

Advanced _ Logging

In the logging settings, set the options related to log creation.

File Path
Specifies the path of the log file. The string conversion formats available at file creation are %n: session name, %Y: current 4 digit year, %m: current 2 digit month, %d: current 2 digit day, %t: current time (%H-%M-%s), %h: current 2 digit hour, %M: current 2 digit minutes, %s: current 2 digit seconds.

Overwrite if the file exists
If a file with the same name exists in the destination folder, specify whether or not to overwrite the file. If this option is not selected, a sequence number is appended to the file name.

Start Logging upon connection
Logging is automatically started when a session is connected to a remote host.

Prompt me to choose a file path when logging starts
A prompt will be displayed when logging starts which allows the user to specify where to save the log file rather than the default path.

Include terminal code
Choose one of the following logging methods.

  • Record only printable text
  • Record terminal code as well as printable text

If you include terminal code, all contents (color, string output status, etc.) will be recorded.

Timestamp: Log file records
Log file records will show the time the log was output.

Timestamp : Format
This is how the the date and time are formatted: %n: session name, %Y: current 4 digit year, %m: current 2 digit month, %d: current 2 digit day, %t: current time(%H-%M-%s), %h: current 2 digit hour, %M: current 2 digit minutes, %s: current 2 digit seconds, %a: other OS expression for date and time, %I: line number.

Timestamp: Preview
Displays the formatted timestamp based on current date and time.

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