Font Color and Background Color Setting

In a color scheme, font colors, background colors and ANSI 16 colors are saved. Xshell enables users to select/change color schemes anytime while using Xshell. The selected color scheme is applied immediately.

To Change Terminal Color:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click the standard [Color Schemes] button to display the Select Color Scheme dialog box. Select a color scheme in the dialog box and click [OK].
    • Select [Appearance] from [Category] in Session Properties dialog box, select a color scheme from the [Color Scheme] and click [OK].
  • Note
    Xshell provides several default color schemes. Users may edit the existing color schemes or create new color schemes.

To Create New Color Scheme:

  1. Open the Select Color Scheme dialog box.
  2. Click [New]. A new color scheme is added to the list.
  3. Select the new color scheme created.
  4. Click [Edit]. Edit Color Scheme dialog box is displayed.

To Edit Color Scheme:

  1. Open the Select Color Scheme dialog box.
  2. Select a color scheme to edit.
  3. Click [Edit]. Edit Color Scheme dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select colors for normal text in [Normal Text].
  5. Select colors for bold text in [Bold Text]. In general, colors lighter than the normal text are used for bold text.
  6. [ANSI Colors] is used to express ANSI color code in terminal. The colors on top are for normal text, such as black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan and white, and the colors on the bottom are for bold text.

To Export Color Scheme:

  1. Open the Select Color Scheme dialog box.
  2. Select a color scheme to export.
  3. Click [Export]. Save dialog box is displayed.
  4. Select a folder and enter the file name to save.
  5. Click [Save].
  • Note
    Exported file is in '.xcs' format and may be used in Xshell only. A number of color schemes may be saved in a single file. The color scheme names are also saved in the file.

To Import Color Scheme:

  1. Open the Select Color Scheme dialog box.
  2. Click [Import]. Open dialog box is displayed.
  3. Select a color scheme file (.xcs) to import.
  4. Click [Open].