Keyboard input does not work on JDS (Java Desktop System) of Sparc based Solaris 10


When you logon to JDS (Java Desktop System) of Sparc based Solaris 10, keyboard input does not work. 

*This article requires remote server configuration. Administrator previlage may be required.


This is a known bug for Sparc based of Solaris 10. A fix is available from Sun website:

To work around this problem, open the following file:


And, edit the file with:

<!--?xml version="1.0"?-->
<entry name="volume_up" mtime="1110896708" type="string">
<entry name="volume_mute" mtime="1110896705" type="string">
<entry name="volume_down" mtime="1110896702" type="string">
<entry name="help" mtime="1110896698" type="string">

After changing the file, run Xmanager.