How to configuring dtterm resource to change font, size, color and etc.


You want to change options on dtterm such as font color, size or background color.


To change the settings on dtterm, edit the Dtterm file or the .Xdefaults file.

Resource file location

dtterm resource files are located in the following path. Depending on the connection method, a different resource file is used:

If you are using XDMCP (Using CDE): $HOME/locale/Dtterm (or $HOME/Dtterm)

If you are using TELNET or SSH with Xstart: $HOME/.Xdefaults

Options you can use in the resource file

To change the settings, use the following options:

Dtterm.*userFont  Font type



Dtterm*dtTerm*background Background color

Dtterm*dtTerm*foreground Foreground color

Dtterm*XmScrollBar*background Background color for the scroll bar


There are other options that are not listed above. You can find more options online by searching for 'Xdefault options'.