I get "Warning: Cannot convert string... to type VirtualBinding" message on Solaris


When you run Solaris Admintool on Solaris, you receive the following warning message about Virtual Key Binding:

Warning: Cannot convert string "Escape,_Key_Cancel" to type VirtualBinding
Warning: Cannot convert string "Home,_Key_Begin" to type VirtualBinding
Warning: Cannot convert string "F1,_Key_Help" to type VirtualBinding
Warning: Cannot convert string "ShiftF10,_Key_Menu" to type VirtualBinding
Warning: Cannot convert string "F10,Shift_Key_Menu" to type VirtualBinding
Warning: Cannot convert string "KP_Enter,_Key_Execute" to type VirtualBinding
Warning: Cannot convert string "AltReturn,Alt_Key_KP_Enter" to type VirtualBinding

*This article requires remote server configuration. Administrator previlage may be required.


This key binding problem usually occurs when connecting to Solaris 7 and 8 only.

To resolve this problem and use CDE environment, add the exact vendor string to the end of  the /usr/dt/lib/bindings/xmbind.alias file as follows.

"NetSarang Computer, Inc." sun_at

If you use Xstart to run individual X applications, edit the $HOME/.profile file as follows.


If you use csh, edit $HOME/.cshrc file as follows:

setenv XMBINDDIR /usr/dt/lib/bindings