XManager 5 Installer crashes in unattended mode [8]

XManager 5 Installer crashes in unattended mode [8]

XManager 5 Installer crashes in unattended mode

Wednesday, February 18, 2015 6:34 AM - Heiko Helmle

I am trying to integrate XManager 5 into our WPKG package installer scripts.

Essentially the script copies the installer and the prerecorded .iss file into %TEMP% of an administrative user, and runs (according to the documentation):
xminstall.exe -s -f1<iss-file> -f2<logfile>.

this worked with XManager3 and 4, with 5 it doesn't. A logfile does not exist, but a WER process starts, which indicates a crash of the installer. With procdump I found out that the installer crashes after extracting its files with an access violation:
[15:16:08] Exception: E06D7363.?AVwin32_exception@is@@
[15:16:08] Exception: C0000005.ACCESS_VIOLATION
[15:16:08] Unhandled: C0000005.ACCESS_VIOLATION

If I run the installer in an interactive user context, it works, but the automated way always crashes.
I also tried running the installer as SYSTEM (with psexec) - this also crashes.

I can provide you with a process dump of the crashed installer process.

Program Ver. : Xmanager 5
Connect Method : Other

Re: XManager 5 Installer crashes in unattended mode

Wednesday, February 18, 2015 12:55 PM - Support

This problem might be UNICODE crash issue. This problem is caused by install engine (InstallShield) and our developers are working on a fix right now. I will send you the file as soon as the fix becomes available.

Technical Support

Re: XManager 5 Installer crashes in unattended mode

Wednesday, February 18, 2015 11:30 PM - Heiko Helmle

just as a sidenote: A plain old MSI would probably make more than one administrator happy :)

Re: XManager 5 Installer crashes in unattended mode

Thursday, February 19, 2015 6:09 AM - Heiko Helmle

and another note: The same problem exists with XShell 5 (build 0526).

Re: XManager 5 Installer crashes in unattended mode

Thursday, February 19, 2015 11:38 AM - Support

We will consider providing plain MSI installer in the future. It seems to be an easier option for a lot of system admins. Can you tell us when and how MSI can help your situation?

Technical Support

Re: XManager 5 Installer crashes in unattended mode

Friday, February 20, 2015 4:35 AM - Heiko Helmle

Oh that's easy:
* Standardized and working logs (because Installshield's log file usually is only 2 lines long and only contains a return code)
* Standard command line parameters (/qn for silent, /x for uninstall etc. are uniform for _every_ MSI)
* Easy pushing of properties (like Serial number, Language) either via command line arguments or transforms.
* native support from active directory
* standardized error codes
* usually no need for "response files" on silent installations with standard options.
* did I mention logging that actually works?

I am aware that creating plain MSIs can be painful and I do understand if your developers decide it's not worth the effort - but I'd be happy if you'd consider it.

And for my present situation: The procmon logs look like the installer unpacks the embedded MSI and then crashes - so an MSI without the wrapper might have worked :)

Re: XManager 5 Installer crashes in unattended mode

Friday, February 20, 2015 12:50 PM - Support

Thank you for the information. I will try to send you a new package file next week that may fix your crash issue.

Technical Support

Re: XManager 5 Installer crashes in unattended mode

Thursday, February 26, 2015 6:55 AM - Heiko Helmle

I just checked the new builds (XManager 0347 and XShell 0527) and both installers work now.

Thanks a lot for this quick response!

Best Regards
Heiko Helmle

Re: XManager 5 Installer crashes in unattended mode

Thursday, February 26, 2015 3:04 PM - Support

Awesome! Please let me know if we can be of further assistance.

Technical Support

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