RedHat Linux Printer Setup
RedHat Linux Printer Setup
RedHat Enterprise Linux 4.x, 5.x
- Run /usr/sbin/system-config-printer with root permissions. For remote execution, run in a PC X server, such as Xmanager.
- Click [Add a new printer] to proceed with installation according to the screen instructions.
Fig. 4: RedHat Enterprise Linux printer setup 1
- Printer Name: Name designated when printing a file with the lpr command or in a Linux application program.
- Description (optional): Enter remote printer information, such as printer model. This item is not used at the printing command.
- Location (optional): Enter remote printer location. This item is not used at the printing command.
Fig. 5: RedHat Enterprise Linux printer setup 2
- Devices: Select [LPD/LPR Host or Printer].
- Hostname: Enter the name or IP address of a PC with Xlpd installed.
- Printername: Xlpd queue name. Xlpd generates a queue using this name. Printing can be processed with the default queue without generating a queue according to Xlpd settings.
Fig. 6: RedHat Enterprise Linux printer setup 3
- Select Printer from database: Select Xlpd connected printer model. If model does not exist, select a printer compatible with the printer concerned. Initially, UNIX/Linux application program supported PostScript only. Recently however, PCL printer language has also been supported. Check compatibility of model to use and select compatible printer in the Generic printer section.
- Click [Apply] to complete printer registration.
- The command to print a file in RedHat Enterprise Linux is as follows: $ /usr/bin/lpr βPprinter_name filename ex) $ /usr/bin/lpr βPxlpd /etc/hosts
RedHat Linux 9.x, Redhat Enterprise Linux 3.x
- Run /usr/sbin/printtool or /usr/bin/redhat-config-printer with root permissions.
- Click [Add (a new printer)] and proceed with installation according to the screen instructions.
Fig. 7: RedHat Linux printer setup 1
- Queue Name: Printer name designated when printing a file with the lpr command or in Linux application program.
- Short Description: Enter information to give a brief description of the printer. This is optional.
Fig. 8: RedHat Linux printer setup 2
- Select Queue Type: Select [Network Linked UNIX (LPD)].
- Server: Enter the IP address name of an Xlpd installed PC.
- Queue: This is the Xlpd queue name. Xlpd generates a queue using this name. Printing can be processed with the default queue without generating a queue according to Xlpd settings.
Fig. 10: RedHat Linux printer setup 3
- Printer Model: Select Xlpd connected printer model. If model does not exist, select a printer compatible with the printer concerned. Initially, UNIX/Linux application program supported PostScript only. Recently, however, PCL printer language has also been supported. Check compatibility of model to use and select compatible printer in the Generic printer section.
- Click [Apply] to complete printer registration.
- Command to print a file in RedHat 7.x, 8.x, 9.x is as follows: $ /usr/bin/lpr βPqueue_name filename ex) $ /usr/bin/lpr βPxlpd /etc/hosts
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