Connect to Remote Host
Connect to Remote Host
The following is the process for connecting to a remote host via an SSH session. If a session is not available, see 'Create Session'.
- Select [Open] from the [File] menu. Sessions dialog box is displayed.
- Select session for connection from the sessions list and click [Connect]. SSH User Name dialog box is displayed.
Fig. 2: SSH User Name dialog box - Enter user name and click [OK]. SSH User Authentication dialog box is displayed.
Fig. 3: SSH User Authentication dialog box - To attempt Password authentication, enter password in [Password] and click [OK].
- To attempt Public Key authentication, first select a user key from the list. Enter [Passphrase] of the selected user key and click [OK].
- Note
If a user key is not available, see 'Public Key User Authentication'.
- Note
- To attempt Keyboard Interactive authentication, click [OK] and answer the questions given during connection process.