What does xsh.Screen.Synchronous do?

What does xsh.Screen.Synchronous do?


What does xsh.Screen.Synchronous do exactly? How can I incorporate this into my script?


Synchronization means that the output of the terminal synchronizes with some external output such as message boxes.
For example, let's suppose that the following messages are printed in the terminal.

$ cat test.txt  Netsarang => the first match blah blah blah blah blah blah Computer => the second match

A sample VB script:

Sub Main     xsh.Screen.Synchronous = true     xsh.Screen.WaitForString("Netsarang")     xsh.Dialog.MsgBox("1st match")     xsh.Screen.WaitForString("Computer")     xsh.Dialog.MsgBox("2nd match") End Sub


If the value is set to true, the terminal output stops when the first match message box appears. So the script can then find the second match.
However, if the value is set to false, even though the first match dialog box appears, the rest of the messages are printed in the terminal. So after closing the first message box, the second match box would not pop up.

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