Is there anyway to configure 2 printer to work on 1 pc?? [1]

Is there anyway to configure 2 printer to work on 1 pc??

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 7:41 PM - xlpduser

my main pc have 2 printer, one laserjet and one deskjet and user's pc has the 2 printer installed, theres no problem for me to switch over by clicking the printer button when they wants to print on the specific printer, but when the user chooses the wrong printer, let say i select deskjet and user printed using laserjet, it will start printing garbage.

is there anyway to isolate the two printer??

Re: Is there anyway to configure 2 printer to work on 1 pc??

Thursday, June 29, 2006 10:31 AM - Support

This feature is not available in the current release. Both PC and server must select an appropriate printer in order for Xlpd to work properly.

We understand that this can be confusing if you are using two or more printers on one computer. So we are going to include the multi queue function in next Xlpd release. With this feature, you can setup two separate queues for each printer. Then, users can use two printers interchangeably.

Thank you for using Xlpd, the printer server for Windows.

NetSarang Computer, Inc.
Technical Support

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