Xmanager allows users to manage XDMCP, Xstart sessions as well as Xshell and Xftp sessions conveniently in one location. Starting in Version 7, users can also create, launch, and manage Microsoft Remote Desktop (RDP) sessions directly from within Xmanager.

How to Create an RDP Session:

  1. Open Xmanager

  2. Point to ‘New’ under the ‘File’ Menu and select ‘Xmanager RDP Session.’
    Result: A new session properties box will appear.

  3. In the ‘Session’ field enter the session’s name. Enter characters suitable for a file name.

  4. In the ‘Host’ field enter the name or IP address of the Windows device you want to connect to.

  5. In the ‘Port Number’ field enter the listening port of the remote desktop you want to connect to. The default port is 3389.

  6. Under [Login] enter the remote desktop’s username and password.

  7. Click ‘OK’ to save the session.

How to Run an RDP Session in a New Window/New Tab:

  1. Open Xmanager

  2. Select Xmanager RDP in the Session Manager.

  3. Right click the RDP session file you want to run from the Xmanager RDP session list.

  4. From the context menu, select ‘Open in new window’ or ‘Open in new tab.’