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Xshell provides local commands for advanced users familiar with the terminal environment.
Basically, Xshell prompt is displayed on the terminal screen when a remote host is not connected. When a session is connected, press 'Ctrl+Alt+]' to exit to local prompt. To return to the remote host mode, enter 'exit' or press 'Ctrl+D'.
The following commands can be used.




Display commands list on the terminal window.


Open the New Session Properties dialog box.

open the [session]

Connect with the corresponding session when 'session' is designated. If a session is not designated, the Sessions dialog box is opened.

edit [session]

Open the Session Properties dialog box for the corresponding session if 'session' is designated. Open the Session Properties dialog box for the default session if 'session' is not designated.


Display a list of directories and information about sessions in the current directory.


Change the current task directory.

pwdShow the current path of the local PC. The default is the path to the session files.


Clear local shell command prompt screen, address bar history, and command history. The available options are:

screen Clear the screen. This is the default value.
address Clear the history of the address bar.
history Clear the history of local shell commands.


Close Xshell session or return to remote host.


Configure the Xshell environment. Certain settings can be defined in the session properties or options. To view the current configuration, type the set command without any command line options. The available options are:

StartFolder This is the default path when the local shell starts. The default is 'User Data Folder\Xshell\Sessions', which is the root of the session folder. User data folder can be set in the program.
LogFolderPath This is the default folder to store logs for sessions. The default is 'User Data Folder\Xshell\Logs'. The location where the session log is saved can be determined separately for the session.
ScriptFolderPath This is the default folder that is opened when specified in a session file or when calling a script from a menu. The default is 'User Data Folder\Xshell\Scripts'.
AutoSaveHostKey In case of SSH connection, fingerprint information on the host key is automatically saved. If this is the first host to access or if the host key has been changed by the administrator's setting, Xshell asks whether to save the host key. Default value is 0 (user confirmation)
InputCRLF You can send the value of the Enter key to CRLFComposeBarHistoryCount The number of command history saved in the compose bar. The default value is 50 (pcs).
ComposePaneHistoryCount The number of command history saved in the compose window. The default value is 0 (only LF is sent)50 (pcs).
EnableCertKey Makes enable to use OpenSSH CA keys. The default value is 1.
ExitAllTabClose Closes the Xshell window when all sessions are closed at the same time while the Send command to all sessions light is on. The default is 0.
StopScrollOnLButtonDown Screen output is stopped while the mouse button is held downImportFileOnDrop You can import user keys by dragging and dropping them into the local shell. The default value is 0 (not used).
InputCRLF You can send the value of the Enter key to CRLF. The default value is 1 (use).

0 (only LF is sent).
JumpHostListenPort This is the default port of the proxy server used as a jump host when using the SSH jump host function. The default number is 10000.
KeypadEnterToTab Use keypad Enter key as Tab key.
LogFolderPath This is the default folder to store logs for sessions. The default is 'User Data Folder\Xshell\Logs'. The location where the session log is saved can be determined separately for the session.
MaxRecentSessions Sets the maximum count of recent sessions.
OpenXftpNewWin Opens a new window when calling Xftp using the currently connected session information. The default is 0 to open an existing window in a new tab.
ComposeBarHistoryCount The number of command history saved in the compose bar. The default value is 50 (pcs).
ComposePaneHistoryCount The number of command history saved in the compose window. The default value is 50 (pcs)PrintToEditor When the is set to 1, the output is not sent to the printer when the terminal print code is received, but to the editor specified by the user. The default is 0.
SaveAppLog Saves the program's own log to the [User Data Folder]\Applog folder. The default value is 0 (do not store).
ImportFileOnDrop You can import user keys by dragging and dropping them into the local shell. The default value is 0 (not used).
JumpHostListenPort This is the default port of the proxy server used as a jump host when using the SSH jump host function. The default number is 10000.
PrintToEditor When the is set to 1, the output is not sent to the printer when the terminal print code is received, but to the editor specified by the user. The default is 0ScriptFolderPath This is the default folder that is opened when specified in a session file or when calling a script from a menu. The default is 'User Data Folder\Xshell\Scripts'.
ShowFileManagerTab Show File Manager tab in Tunneling Bar. The default is 1.
StartCmd Run initial command when a new Local Shell tab is open.
StartFolder This is the default path when the local shell starts. The default is 'User Data Folder\Xshell\Sessions', which is the root of the session folder. User data folder can be set in the program.
StopScrollOnLButtonDown Screen output is stopped while the mouse button is held down. The default value is 1 (use).

helpShow help for each command. For explanation of the ssh command, use the'help ssh' command. If'help' is entered without command, this help is displayed.

ssh [user:pass@]host [port]

Connect using the SSH protocol.

-pa Use Password authentication. Ignore other auth parameters(-A -i).
-a Doe not use Xagent for user authentication.
-A Use Xagent for user authentication.
-i user_key A user key for Public key authentication.
-J jump_host Use jump host proxy.*
user Indicate the user's login name.
pass If pass is defined, use password authentication.
host Indicates the name, alias, or Internet address of the remote host.
port Indicates a port number (address of an application). If the port is not specified, the default ssh port (22) is used.

sftp [user:pass@]host [port]

Connect using the SFTP protocol.

telnet [user:pass@]host [port]

Connect using the telnet protocol.

rlogin [user@]host [port]

Connect using the rlogin protocol.

ftp [user:pass@]host [port]

Connect using the ftp protocol.


Execute Windows ipconfig command.

ping host

Execute Windows ping command.

tracert host

Show packet path to host.


Execute Windows netstat command.


Execute Windows nslookup command.

realcmdExecute Windows cmd command.
scp src ... [user:pass@]host:dest

Use the scp protocol to send or get the file to another server.

-pa Use Password authentication. Ignore other auth parameters(-A -i).
-a Doe not use Xagent for user authentication.
-A Use Xagent for user authentication.
-i user_key A user key for Public key authentication.
-J jump_host Use jump host proxy.*
-r Copy directory recursively.
-p Preserve modification and access time.
-P Indicates a port number (address of an application). If the port is not specified, the default ssh port (22) is used.

user Indicate the user's login name.
pass If pass is defined, use password authentication.
host Indicates the name, alias, or Internet address of the remote host.
src ... Indicates the path of source files or directories. You can list files separated by a space character.
dest Indicates the path of a destination file  file or folder.