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How to resolve this problem?


Icelandic keyboard

Wednesday, October
2006 8:31 PM - UniverseRen
Some days ago, I ran the xftp and found it can't run.then I ran xstart and xshell,and they also can't run.
I uninstalled the program ,cleaned the register infomation and installed it again and again.the problem still exists.
the promptation is shown in the following picture.

Re: How to resolve this problem?

Monday, October 30, 2006 2:56 PM - Support
Executable file path seems to be corrupted. Please try reinstalling Xmanager Enterprise by following the instruction below:

  • Uninstall Xmanager Enterprise using Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel.
  • Start regedit (Start > RUN > Type 'regedit') and delete the following entries if they exist.
    \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\InstallShield Uninstall Information{99564F34-2A5D-4D1D-93B0-AE0230DF5A27}
    Delete the following directories:
    C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{99564F34-2A5D-4D1D-93B0-AE0230DF5A27}
    C:\Program Files\NetSarang\
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\NetSarang
  • Search for netsarang, xmanager in registry and delete those entries.
  • Reinstall Xmanager Enterprise again.If your problem persists, it may mean your system is infected by malicious virus. Make sure that other programs are not affected by this problem and scan your system anti-virus software.
    Hope this helps.

    Technical Support

    Note: Please back up your system before making any change to your system such as deleting registry and program files.

    the problem still exists!

    Tuesday, October 31, 2006 10:26 AM - universe2000
    I do it as you told, and used antispy software to clear computer.then I reinstall the xmanager.
    the problem still exists!
    help me!
    I think the xmanager is the best software in the same softwares!

    Re: the problem still exists!

    Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:04 PM - bi39orgTV
    Hi there,
    I think there might be a problem automatically setting the default installation path. Try to set the path manually during the installation and see how it goes.
    Default Xmanager Enterprise installed directory is as following:
    C:\Program Files\NetSarang\Xmanager Enterprise

    I tried to modify the setting,but failed. who help me?thanks!

    Wednesday, November 1, 2006 9:48 PM - universe2000
    I tried to modify the setting,but failed. who help me?thanks!

    Re: I tried to modify the setting,but failed. who help me?thanks!

    Friday, November 3, 2006 6:05 PM - Eddie Lobo
    I don't think this is Xmanager problem at all actually. Usually this kind of problem occurs due to malfunctioning OS or corrupted system setting.


    2001 9:05 AM - Morten Lange
    I am evaluating Xmanager and like it but run into problems with the
    keyboard. I used the Norwegian keyboard layout to construct an Icelandic keyboard definition.

    Some keys produce nothing although I have configured them 
    to produce hyphen, underscore, questionmark and 
    apostrofe according to the Icelandic keyboard layout.
    These keys intermiTtently work correctly when I turn on Caps Lock

    us101 EXPL displ defined 
    = - hyphen
    + sh-= _ underscore
    ] ? question
    sh-] ' apostrophe

    The / key (scancode 0x35) gives wrong symbols 
    (¿and ¿in stead of ¿ and ¿):

    us101 EXPL displ defined 
    / ¿¿ thorn
    ? sh-/ ¿¿ THORN
    [ ¿¿eth
    sh-] ¿¿ETH
    - ¿ ¿odiaeresis

    The composition with acute accent only produces 
    one wowel with the acute and then in the wrong place (¿)

    ¿compose-aeiouy ¿¿¿ 
    ¿compose-AEIOUY ¿¿¿

    ¿compose-aeiouy ¿¿¿
    ¿compose-AEIOUY ¿¿¿

    These keys work correctly

    us101 EXPL displ defined 
    Mod2 | | bar
    Mod2 2 @ @ at
    Mod2 - backslash

    Finally the numeric keyboard produces letters for the two
    builtin keyboard layouts that I tried : us101, Norwegian.

    Best Regards,

    Re: Icelandic keyboard : attached the modified file

    Friday, October 26, 2001 4:33 PM - Support
    Please download the attached file for Icelandic Keyboard file for Xmanager and copy it into "C:Program FilesXmanager139" folder. 

    After selecting the keyboard file on Xconfig->Input, restart Xmanager.
    If this does not solve your problem, please post a reply.

    - Support

    Re: Icelandic keyboard : attached the modified file

    Monday, October 29, 2001 10:13 PM - Morten Lange
    Thanks Support-people.

    The new Keyboard file works much better, that is I can now use
    dash, undescore, apostrophe and questionmark.
    That was the most important part. Also the numeric keypad
    works :-)
    The Icelandic letters are still wrong, though. 

    I just posted a clarification of my previous letter, but then 
    for some reason your previous reply did not appear in my browser before I sent my second request. Sorry.

    But back to the Icelandic letters, like THORN (¿ and
    ETH (¿, and more commonly used ones like ¿¿aacute,eacute), 
    can you produce them at your site ? (These are all in iso-8859-1, which I guess is also called Latin1)

    When I try for instance the German keyboard definition
    it doesn¿ seem to work correctly. I seem to get 
    US-ASCII characters in the correct places, but as an example I 
    get THORN (¿ instead of ssharp (¿ on the us101 key for dash - scancode 0xC. 
    The shifted key produces the questionmark as it should.

    Thanks for your help so far.
    Best Regards,
    Morten Lange

    A sample screen using THORN and ...

    Tuesday, October 30, 2001 4:22 PM - Support
    I produced Icenlandic characters using the keyboard definition file uploaded above. I'm using US101 compatible keyboard but it will also work for UK102 compatible keyboards.

    Please see attached file for the example.

    - Technical Support

    HP-UX Connection Error

    Monday, October 30, 2006 10:33 AM - Ramesh
    I am trying to open my XManager window of HP_UX 11 server into my desk top but it giving the followning error which is sending as a attachement file.So please send the solution if any body knows.

    Thanks in Advance

    Re: HP-UX Connection Error

    Monday, October 30, 2006 1:45 PM - Support
    Command 'Xserver' starts the X server on console.

    If you are trying to run CDE from the remote location, you should start a dtterm first, and then use the following command instead.

    $ /usr/dt/bin/Xsession &

    Hope this helps.

    Technical Support

    Re: Icelandic keyboard

    Monday, October 29, 2001 8:58 PM - Morten Lange
    Mappings for Icelandic keyboard that did not work

    I iterate my question, this time using HTML pre in trying to beautify my tables :-)

    Some of these problems appear to be present in the predefined nordic keyboards. (Norwegian, Swedish)I used the Norwegian keyboard as the base for defining the Icelandic keyboard.

    Should I rather try to use the us101 keyboard as myinitial file when making a new keyboard definition ?

    EXPL 	= short explanationdispl 	= what appears on screen when I use this keydefined = what I wanted to appear and which code I usedA. Some keys display nothingus101	EXPL 	displ	defined -------------------------------------=			-	hyphen	+	sh-=		_	underscore]			?	questionsh-]			'	apostropheB. The / key (scancode 0x35)¿¿gives wrong symbols (¿and ¿in stead of ¿ and ¿):us101	EXPL 	displ	defined --------------------------------------/		¿¿	thorn?	sh-/	¿¿¿	THORN[		¿¿ethsh-]		¿¿ETH-		¿	¿odiaeresis_		¿¿ODIAERESISC. The composition with¿¿acute accent only produces one wowel with the acute and then in the wrong place (¿)¿compose-aeiouy 	¿¿¿ ¿compose-AEIOUY	¿¿¿Correct¿compose-aeiouy 	¿¿¿¿compose-AEIOUY	¿¿¿D. These keys work correctlyus101	EXPL 	displ	defined ------------------------------------Mod2 	|	|	bar	Mod2 2	@	@	atMod2 -			backslash

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